Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pachouli - The fragrance of failures

Wouldn't it be funny if later we find out that Dave Matthews hates hippies? I'd love to see the reactions of these nimrods. Problem is, they'd probably be too stoned to react.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Smells Like Crappy Music

Can we do away with Nirvana? For just a little while? Seriously, every time I turn the radio station to get away from these guys, they show up again.

Newsflash: Kurt Cobain was a heroin-slamming, long-haired, white-trash imbecile. His contribution to music was miniscule and tepid at best. Ah, but there is a bright side to all this. He's dead.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

What's all the crying aboot?

I read Tuesday on that a Canadian teenager cried while being interrogated at Guantanamo Bay, and I couldn't help but wonder why that's news. Not just news - The top headline! What better way to breed sympathy with the enemy and distrust of the government than to show video of some shit-head foreigner crying because he's being asked some questions. You know what I say? Fuck him! Here's a little tip... Don't associate with known terrorists, supporters of terrorism, terrorist sympathizers, nutjobs and dirtbags, and you have nothing to worry about. Don't involve yourself in a religion that practices murder every day in countries all over the world. Personal accountability - Have we forgotten about THAT? Evidently. Besides, where is all the video footage of the 2,976 funerals that were held because of 9/11? We're not seeing many crying family members on CNN headlines, are we? Maybe they've moved on and forgotten all about their loved ones murders. Bullshit! But CNN has. They sure have.

By the way, of the 2,976 people that died, 2,740 were American citizens. 236 were from foreign countries. I'm betting Canada lost a few. I wonder what these bleeding hearts think about that, if they think at all...